Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Please don't take this post the wrong way. Your first thought might be food snob-but come on powder cheese? Dinner last night was Mac n Cheese with Tuna. I thought I would eat half of it, so I can track the nutritional elements, but I couldn't even get 1/4 of it down before my stomach started to act up. So it isn't my taste buds-those I controlled well-it was my stomach.

Now people have said its because it wasn't Kraft Mac and Cheese, others say its because I didn't use milk and butter (I used the pasta water). My response is cheese isn't suppose to be powder!

I am listing the nutritional stats below, because I have a dietitian who will give me her assessment to the health and nutritional elements of eating at a pantry.

fat cal-20
Chol-10 mg
Sodium-770 mg
Total Carbs-51g

Satisfied (rating 1-10, 10 being highest)=1
Would have this meal again (1-10, 10 being highest)=1 (I couldn't use negative numbers)

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